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We couldn't exist without our partners.  Would you like to work with us?

Your Move Games works with distributors and retailers around the world to bring our games to the players who want them.  We depend on you and we work to ensure that carrying our products is good for your business.

Special Battleground offer for 'brick and mortar' retailers

Running a game store is hard.  You have to keep your inventory levels low and any time you pick up a new product line you run the risk that it won't sell.  We understand that taking on the Battleground line can be daunting.

At the same time, we know that most of our sales come from a relatively small number of stores.  Even a small Battleground community can mean serious sales because our players tend to collect all the armies over time.  So it's worth a lot to us to see Battleground carried as a full product line and given time to thrive in your store.

What kind of gamers would we be if we couldn't solve this problem?

Here's our offer.  We'll deliver you one of each Battleground display (4 decks), plus Kingdoms, Terrain, the Scenario Book, etc.  That's more than $1600 worth of product.  You have six months to test out the product at zero risk.  At the end of the six months, you can ship back whatever you didn't sell and pay only for what you keep.

(Yes, this is basically a way of saying "six months on consignment".)

All we ask in return is that you commit not to selling the product for any discounts greater than 10% (so we aren't undercutting established retailers) and that you hold at least one in-store demo to promote the new game.  We'll provide you with demo decks and promo items for that, too.

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